Why is Branding Important?

Written by IndustryMarke Jul 12, 2013


Why is branding important? Branding is all about creating and managing positive customer perceptions and experiences about your company. A good brand will place your company at the top of customers’ minds and to loyal customers; your brand may be the only brand they consider. If your goal is to achieve a strong, loyal customer base, it makes sense to invest in your brand.

Why is Branding Important

So what does branding aim to achieve?

  • A brand delivers a clear, consistent message about what your company, products and service.
  • A brand resonates and connects to your target market.
  • It helps create customer loyalty to your organisation.
  • It confirms the reason why people buy or do business with you.
  • A brand is delivered through every customer touch point, from the way employees answer the phone, to their uniforms, to how quickly they respond to customer requests, through to their perception of the website. It includes everything that customers feel, touch and experience as part of the company.

Still asking ‘why is branding important’? Here are three perfect reasons:

1. Branding attracts new customers You know yourself, you are more likely to recommend a product or service if you have had a good experience or you know of a brand. Good branding attracts new customers as they can remember yours over the competitors. Ensuring your brand and key messages are easy to remember helps customers and prospects create word of mouth, which in many cases is the single most persuasive recommendation a business can have.  If customers relate to your brand, they are familiar with it, they connect with it and they’ll purchase from you more often.

2. Branding Creates Loyal Customers Studies have shown that after periods of time and continual exposure to a brand, customers become emotionally attached to their favourite brands, creating loyalty. With a strong loyal customer base, customers can be more forgiving of price rises and service or product modifications. Loyal customers can also be the first to try new products or services, be the first make recommendations and create powerful positive word of mouth, all driving more business. So having loyal customers is definatly a good thing.

3. Branding increases your business revenue When customers have had a positive brand experience, they are more likely to come to you first for a similar or varying product or service from your company. This can allow your company to diversify and grow spreading their business risk and increasing market size and business revenue.

Want to develop a good brand?

Then speak with an experienced marketing agency and start questioning what you currently have. Speak with us directly and answer for yourself why is branding important. www.industrymarke.com.au

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